Lead the product from design by mastering influence and strategy

Are you a product designer aspiring to not just in strategic conversations but to drive them? Do you seek to shape a future where design is a fundamental part of every business decision? If so, you've found your path.

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Driving innovation, engagement, and
business results

Driving innovation, engagement, and
business results

Want to talk or work together?

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I’m Richard, a product designer and solopreneur based in Melbourne.
I’m the principal product designer at SEEK, where we empower job seekers to make great career decisions.

Three more ways I can help you.


Six themes of Product Design to grow in responsibilities

AI Heuristics

Discover the AI heuristics to transform user experiences, making technology an ally rather than a challenge in our daily lives.

Storyboards with AI

Creating a visual Customer Journey, with a simple step-by-step guide.

Creating a visual Customer Journey

As designers, we often translate complex ideas into relatable experiences. I recently explored a way to use AI to craft a customer's journey using storytelling. Dive into the prompts I used! 


The UX MBA, a transformative journey for designers who aren't content being mere executors but aspire to be visionaries and leaders.

I will never spam or sell your info. Ever


The UX MBA, a transformative journey for designers who aren't content being mere executors but aspire to be visionaries and leaders.

I will never spam or sell your info. Ever


The UX MBA, a transformative journey for designers who aren't content being mere executors but aspire to be visionaries and leaders.

I will never spam or sell your info. Ever

I’m Richard, a product designer based in Melbourne.

Designed by Richard Simms

I’m Richard, a product designer based in Melbourne.

Designed by Richard Simms

I’m Richard, a product designer based in Melbourne.

Designed by Richard Simms